Peng-Tai Estate Ping Lin Taiwanese 2022 Baozhong Spring Tea Bag-Gift Box 蓬泰茶莊 臺灣坪林 2022 包種春茶 茶包 20bags/ 60g

What is Baozhong Tea?
Baozhong(Paozhong) Tea, is a lightly oxidised Green Oolong tea, with twist shape & floral notes. It tastes usually between green tea and oolong tea, though often classified with the latter. Also, Baozhong tea is referred to as "flower tea" because of its natural tea fragrant smell. It is produced daily in Fujian, China and in Ping Lin District, New Taipei, Taiwan since the late 18th century.
The name of Baozhong tea means "wrapped" tea and refers to the former paper package style for exporting. The harvesting season of this famous Taiwanese " Spring tea" usually begins around the end of March in Taiwan.
- Peng-Tai Estate tea store has 5 generations history of Taiwanese tea plantation, manufacturing, exporting & retail in tea business in the mountain areas Ping Lin New Taipei City, Taiwan
- Premium quality 100% Taiwanese tea leaves in tea bags
- Floral notes: natural Taiwanese orchid flowers with mellow & smooth tastes
- No artificial additive flavours, sweetness & fragrances
- No Sharpe taste while compare to most green teas
- Having all the healthy and antioxidant substances for drinkers
- The oxidised process in manufacturing to make tea drinkable and gentle accepted by human body
- The infusions are mix of light honey yellow and jade green in colour
- 100% Taiwanese Tea is from northern part of Taiwan, Ping Lin, New Taipei City the most famous Baozhong tea plantation area & local farmers grow
- The tea bags contain the Year 2022 Baozhong Spring Tea
- Typically between 8%~30% light oxidised in the production
- Baozhong tea is also know as the " Green oolong tea"
- Baozhong tea is known for its floral characteristics and different natural flowery notes, such as orchid flowers, lily flowers, sweet osmanthus flowers....which are depending on many important factors such as: the experienced "Tea Master 製茶師“ with the traditional Baozhong tea making techniques, weather conditions, fertiliser types(organic fertiliser), seasonal factors (best are Spring tea & Winter tea) and many more factors
- 蓬泰茶莊位於台灣北部山區新北市坪林. 在當地已擁有5代人的台灣茶事業經營歷史. 從台灣茶園種植, 傳統製茶廠, 台灣茶外銷/內銷, 一路見證了台彎茶發展史
- 新一代開發“頂級茶原片茶包”!! 讓忙碌的現代人也能輕鬆享用高品質的台灣好茶, 喝好茶不用費功夫, 只要茶好就行
- 由最具經驗的茶農種植/製茶師製作-特選坪林包種青茶
- 嚴謹古法天然製造過程, 保留健康兒茶素且不刺激腸胃, 適合天天飲用
- 台灣製茶師最傳統手工打造的百分之百台灣茶
- 100% 台灣茶單一特選產區 -坪林
- 絕無添加人工甘甜劑&香精
- 保持古法製程, 使茶葉在製造過程產生自然純天然花香氣息及甘順口感
- 茶水顏色淡金黃混和翠玉綠, 滋味回甘潤口
- BRAND: Peng Tai Estate
- COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Ping Lin, New Taipei City Taiwan
Easy to brew & enjoy a good cup of tea for modern life style